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Septarian Dragonstone Freeform - Madagascar Polished Septarian

Septarian Dragonstone Freeform - Madagascar Polished Septarian

Regular price $46.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $46.00 USD
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Septarian are thought to have evolved during the Cretaceous era when sea levels were significantly higher. Volcanic eruptions and other events killed tiny sea life, which subsequently sunk to the seafloor. Sediments would collect as the specimens decayed, forming a nodule or mudball. As the waters retreated, these mud balls were exposed to the air and dried up, causing shrinkage and splitting. This breaking creates the exquisite patterns seen inside septarian nodules.

Septarian Nodule is a tri color concretion composed of Aragonite (the brown), Calcite, (the yellow), and Limestone (the grey). The name comes from the word “Septaria”, which usually refers to any concretion with internal cavities or cracks.
✨Uses and/or Benefits:

✅Septarian is the master mediator it teaches us how to bridge the many sides of unconnected thoughts and beliefs and come into a condition of collaboration and acceptance.
✅It allows us to perceive another person's point of view clearly and is inspiring in bringing harmony to couples, groups, and problems inside ourselves.
✅It promotes emotional healing by dissolving previous trauma and mending old scars, instilling self-confidence, flexibility, and patience.

✨Chakra(s): Root, Solar Plexus
✨Element(s): Earth, Fire, Water

Septarian Dragonstone Free Form

Origin: Madagascar

Weight: 713g or 1.57 pounds

Dimensions: 6" x 3"
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