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Elite (Noble) Shungite Medium Raw Piece-for EMF Protection and Water Purification

Elite (Noble) Shungite Medium Raw Piece-for EMF Protection and Water Purification

Regular price $22.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $22.00 USD
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Silver Shungite, also called Noble is from 94% to 98% of carbon much higher than the regular Shungite which only contains about 30% carbon. It was excavated near Shunga Village in Karelia where in the name, Shungite comes from.

Silver Elite Shungite is lustrous and shiny, it almost looks metallic. It also has a higher fullerene content. It is the fact that Shungite contains fullerene molecules that makes the stone unique and different from any other mineral. 

Fullerenes are found in very small quantities in nature, usually formed by lightning charges. How they came to be present in the Shungite mineral remains a mystery. Shungate is the only mineral known to contain fullerenes.

These are the highest possible quality of shanghaied and perfect to be used in water to both alkalize and purify your drinking water.

 You will receive one piece of Noble / Elite Shungite each piece is approximately 13-17grams and 1”x1”

As this is a natural product size and weight will vary slightly.

All our Shungite is sourced directly from Karelia, Russia and is tested for authenticity.


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